Website & Motion Design


In the midst of project time, as the topics pile up, we've all gone through the usual steps: searching for a group, creating excel files on our school's drives, the questions fly: "How many per group?", "Are we keeping the same ones?", "When's the deadline again?", "Who's got room?", etc. 

Our project's aim was to find a solution so that all these questions could be answered as quickly as possible, and as simply as possible: PROJIMAC. The goal was to record all current, upcoming, or past projects, to make it as easy as possible to organize them. 

Projects are registered there, with their groups, and groups with their students and capacity.

In order to make it as easy as possible to organize, topics and other documentsor useful links are also made available directly from the site, and accessible for students. 

A database contains all the projects, teachersand students, contacts, and any other details necessary for the proper functioning of the site .

I was in charge of many things such as: font end conception, graphic design, PHP, JS and creating a motion design video.

Projimac - Présentation
Projimac - Présentation



Project details
